Actuarial Technician Level 4

You can start an actuary career with industry-leading training. You will complete the programme with the knowledge and skills to operate as a fully competent actuarial technician. You will take on important responsibilities, supporting senior colleagues to help prepare risk assessment reports for clients across the financial services sector.

The syllabus for an Actuarial Technician Level 4 apprenticeship includes the following topics:

Core principles: Actuarial statistics, actuarial mathematics, and business

Core practices: Actuarial practice, modeling practice, and communications practice

Technical skills: Applying mathematical and statistical models to assess risk, using specialist software, and organizing data

Communication skills: Sharing findings with stakeholders and shaping the organization

Business skills: Developing key business skills through work-based training and professional exams

The Level 4 Actuarial Technician training is an entry-level role in the financial sector. Apprentices work with qualified actuaries to provide solutions for clients using data.

Learn while you practice, supervised by industry experts. On this Actuarial Technician training, you will learn what it takes to operate within a high-performing actuary team. You will gain the skills to apply mathematical and statistical models to assess risk within a commercial context.

You will learn how to use the specialist software you need to carry out your role. Training you to a high level of competency, you will harness the power of software to transform findings and make impactful reports.