Health and Social Care


Our Health & Social Care Course develops your critical understanding of health and social care theory and practice, which is essential in today's fast-changing care sector. Health and social care professionals at all levels need to be proactive and flexible to succeed.

You will develop the skills you need for effective practice in the health and social care sector. You’ll also gain an understanding of how ethical, legal, social, economic, and political factors influence the healthcare delivery services.

At each stage, the modules will be focusing on current issues across the health and social care sector. The modules will explore particular issues or client groups in more depth, for example, mental health, older adults, children and young people, or health and wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes

The course is designed to enable you to develop a sound and critical understanding of policy, theory, and practice in health and social care. It will provide you with an opportunity to engage with the challenges facing professionals, service users, and policymakers in the UK today.

You will develop:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the historical and contemporary contexts in which health and social care takes place.
  • A sound and critical understanding of key theoretical concepts that underpin health and social care provision.
  • Awareness of the diversity of needs and practices of different client groups.
  • The knowledge, skills, and understanding to enable you to work across boundaries, promoting effective working between professionals, carers, and service users.
  • The skills required for assessing current practice, influencing and empowering others, and bringing about positive change.
  • Knowledge of the development of health and social care in the UK.
  • Understanding of the contemporary ethical, cultural, political, legal, and social contexts in which health and social care takes place.
  • Understanding of the key theories, concepts, and principles that underpin practice in health and social care, including the significance of service-user perspectives.
  • Recognition of the diversity of values found within health and social care.
  • Ability to review a range of situations in health and social care and assess the appropriateness of different interventions.
  • Ability to make appropriate use of a range of information sources and use them to sustain arguments or develop new insights.
  • Recognition of the social processes associated with the promotion of health and wellbeing, and the creation of inequalities.
  • Reflection on experiences of health, wellbeing, and social care from your own and others’ perspectives.
  • Application of underpinning principles, concepts, and theories in health and social care to inform and critique practice situations.
  • Identification of different approaches to service provision in health and social care and critical evaluation of strategies for improving practice and service provision.
  • Effective communication with others in a clear and articulate manner, using appropriate styles for different audiences.
  • Ability to identify, interpret, and manipulate information from a wide range of sources, including numerical and statistical information.
  • Management of your own learning through identifying learning needs, setting objectives, responding to feedback, and monitoring progress through critical reflection.